Late to work this morning, with two hands already full of suitcases and a no coffee.
The homeless man on the subway train asked for spare change, and I thought, meanly, "
Why should I?" and then felt so guilty that I gave him two dollars. I wonder if this is how they make most of their money?
When I got to the office just in time to hear my favorite song on the
Garden State soundtrack, for a brief moment I wanted to do a run-run-LEAP like we used to do in ballet class. I love that song.
My cell rang. I screened (I always screen) and it was the casting director I met a week ago, asking me to come in "business attire" for a commercial audition. I looked down at my jeans and my Ugg boots and wished I had bothered to wash my hair this morning.
I asked my boss what kind of mood he was in. Turns out, he was in a letting-me-leave-the-office-for-two-hours kind of mood.
Anthony at Banana Republic was very helpful for a salesperson who knew as well as I did that I was
borrowing the suit, not
buying it.
I felt silly walking into the casting agency carrying a Banana Republic bag full of jeans and Ugg boots.
The girl next to me copied my nervous jiggly foot when the casting director asked us to be agitated on camera. I feel that my nervous jiggly foot was more believable than hers. Bitch.
Right now I feel that I probably should've thrown an Ugg boot at her.
My date last night was A+ in the conversation department. My mind was going so fast after I left him that I dreamt in warp speed.
My date last night was D- in the "will have a future" department. He lives in Los Angeles.
I kept thinking of our conversation all day and biting my lip a little at the things I said that were stupid.
Then I'd feel better, remembering the thing he said about how funny I am.
Then I'd feel stupid again because I'd remember that I did a jumping-jack in the middle of Eighth Avenue.
Right now I'm still feeling stupid about it.
A jumping-jack?